Miscoe Hill Middle School Students Collaborate to Create Amusement Park Rides

“Tower of Screams” - From left, Neva Lilburn, Ben Duplessis, and Cecilia Taylor created the "Tower of Screams." Photo contributed by Mendon Upton Regional School District
MENDON – Superintendent Maureen Cohen and Principal Jennifer Mannion proudly share that Miscoe Hill Middle School students created prototypes of amusement park rides, in a hands-on project to encourage literacy in automation and robotics.
Students worked in teams across 12 class periods under the supervision of Technology teacher Brittney Kahler, serving as architectural, computer, electrical, or mechanical engineers, or as project manager.
Students used their knowledge of VEX structure/motion pieces, mechanisms, movement, and programming to create a prototype ride. Team members collaborated on ride design and workflow, while also developing solutions to obstacles they encountered.
Automation and Robotics students also collaborated with students in Digital Media classes to create logos for the new rides, and flyers and tickets for the Grand Opening of the Miscoe Hill Amusement Park on Dec. 20. All sixth-graders attended.
Students developed rides including a pirate ship and a “swing around” with a winter blizzard theme.
The amusement park project used Project Lead the Way curriculum in Automation and Robotics, which uses hands-on projects to empower students and develop lifelong, real-world skills. The project also aligns with the District’s Portrait of a Learner, encouraging development as a Skillful Collaborator, Solution Seeker, Mindful Learner, and Inspired Innovator.
“These students developed great projects. They also acquired confidence that they can use the skills they acquired to create, build, and problem-solve, which will benefit them throughout life and their careers,” Superintendent Cohen said. “Congratulations to all the students, and to Ms. Kahler for her expertise in assisting students.”
Videos of the projects may be viewed on Brittney Kahler's Twitter feed @bkahler5174