Mendon-Upton Regional School District Shares Success of Annual Nipmuc High School Science and Engineering Symposium
Mark Calabrese from Nipmuc Regional High School presents their symposium project to their peers. Photo courtesy of Mendon-Upton Regional School District
Superintendent Maureen Cohen is pleased to share that Nipmuc Regional High School hosted a successful Science and Engineering Symposium on January 19.
More than 220 students participated in the symposium, where they presented their projects centered on science and engineering. About 150 projects highlighted a variety of topics including: drinking water issues, chemotherapy treatment, eco-friendly energy, enhanced learning, and solar radiation on the moon.

Abigail Gibbons, Jorvan Uppal, and Jonathan Baham from Nipmuc Regional High School stand with their symposium project on “Developing a Closed-Loop Life Support System for the Moon.” Photo courtesy of Mendon-Upton Regional School District
Participating students are studying Anatomy & Physiology, AP Biology, Biotechnology, CHEMgineering, Chemistry, Engineering 1 and 2, Engineering Solutions to Disease, Independent research projects, and Marine Studies. “The Science and Engineering Symposium is a culminating showcase of learning that always leaves me in awe,” Superintendent Cohen said. “I’m always so impressed by the depth of knowledge of our students, who used their skills to address the challenges of the world around them.”
Teachers, students and more than 120 parents and community members attended.
“Everyone in the Science Department is extremely proud of our students and the positive feedback they received from the attendees,” said Science Teacher James Gorman, who coordinated the symposium. “We as a school look forward to continuing this tradition and seeing even more exciting research in the future.”