Ribbon cutting held for new addition to Brookside Elementary School
LEFT TO RIGHT: Christopher Wilson, School Committee Chair; Victoria Houston, Principal (cutting ribbon); and Dr. McIntyre, Superintendent of Schools . SECOND ROW: Carlos Pena Zuluaga, Asst Facilities Director; Michael Walsh, Select Board member; and State Representative Brian Murray, Esq. Courtesy photo
The Brookside Elementary School held a ribbon-cutting ceremony on Oct. 16 for the opening day of the brand-new addition which created additional classrooms to the building. Dr. Kevin McIntyre, Principal Vicky Houston, and the school community thanked the Milford School Committee for their tireless work and advocacy, the Milford Finance Committee for its support, the Select Board for its continued support of the Milford Public Schools, and the community at large for supporting this project.
Source: www.milfordpublicschools.com