Milford Town Library Calendar of Events

By Reference Department
AARP Tax Aide Program
Lots of appointments are still available through the AARP Tax Aide Program which help seniors and low to moderate income individuals file their income tax returns for free. Appointments are available on Saturday mornings and afternoons through March 30, 2024. A few Wednesday evening appointments are also available.
Trained volunteer preparers will be able to complete returns for the tax years 2023, 2022, and 2021. Please note however, that separate appointments are required for each tax year.
To schedule an appointment, please call the lnformation Desk at 508-473-2145 ext. 219.
Tax Forms
Both federal and state tax forms are available in the library entrance (between the double doors). Additional forms and schedules can be found at for federal taxes and for state taxes
Free Concert: The Softer Side of Celtic
The Friends of the Milford Town Library invite you to join Irish musician Jeff Snow for a free concert on Monday, March 11 at 7 p.m. in the Granite & Quarry Rooms.
The Softer Side of Celtic combines the music, stories and a wee bit of history from Scotland, Ireland and England. The audience is encouraged to participate! There will be singing, laughing, clapping and perhaps a bit of foot stomping. Questions and input from the audience are encouraged and become part of the event.
This 90-minute concert includes music on the guitar, bouzouki and autoharp. Jeff Snow grew up as the son of a drummer in a Bagpipe band and in a home where older Celtic songs were the everyday sounds and his love of the genre has deepened over the years, performing all over the Northeast.
Tickets are not required and all ages are welcome to attend this event.
Flower Box Arrangement Workshop
Sarah DeSantes will lead a workshop on creating fresh flower box centerpieces on Thursday, March 28 at 7 p.m. in the Granite and Quarry Rooms. These beautiful centerpieces would be a perfect complement to any Easter table. Registration is required as space is limited. A materials fee is $10 for members/$15 non-members. Call 508-473-2145 ext. 219 or email: [email protected] to reserve your spot. This event is sponsored by the Friends of the Milford Town Library.
Poetry Reading with Jeff Tandon
The Friends of the Milford Town Library invite you to celebrate National Poetry Month with a reading by poet Jason Tandon of Wednesday, April 3 at 7 p.m. Tandon is the author of five books of poetry, including This Far North, The Actual World, Quality of Life, and Give over the Heckler and Everyone Gets Hurt, winner of the St. Lawrence Book Award from Black Lawrence Press. His poems have appeared in Ploughshares, Prairie Schooner, The Southern Review, Alaska Quarterly Review, Beloit Poetry Journal, and Barrow Street, among others. He earned his B.A. and M.A. from Middlebury College, and his M.F.A. from the University of New Hampshire. Since 2008, he has taught in the Arts and Sciences Writing Program at Boston University.
ESL Drop in Classes
Free Drop in ESL classes for adults are held on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 7 - 8 p.m. in the ESL Classroom on the lower level.
An intermediate class has also been added on Thursdays from 6 - 7 p.m.
As aulas de ESL gratuitas para adultos são realizadas às terças e quintas-feiras, 7pm-8pm na sala de aula de ESL no nível inferior.
Uma aula intermediária também foi adicionada às quintas-feiras, 6pm-7pm.
Las clases gratuitas de ESL para adultos se llevan a cabo los martes y jueves de 7 pm a 8 pm en el aula de ESL en el nivel inferior.
También se agregó una clase intermedia los jueves de 6pm-7pm.
Citizenship Classes
The library no longer offers citizenship preparation classes. However, librarians are happy to refer individuals to other area resources as well as the website which includes comprehensive study materials.
Center Book Group
The Center Book Group will meet on Tuesday, March 19 at 10 a.m. at the Milford Senior Center to discuss Think Again: The Power of Knowing What You Don’t Know by Adam Grant.
Grant, a Wharton professor and bestselling author of Originals and Give and Take, encourages readers to undertake a process of “re-thinking” and questioning of long held beliefs and biases to make positive changes in our personal and work lives.
To reserve a copy or to learn more about the Center Book Group, please call the Information Desk at 508-473-2145, ext. 219 or email Anne at [email protected].
Memory Kits Available
The library has a number of memory kits available that contain as assortment of books, games, and objects that spark connection for those with memory issues.
Themes include Baseball, Handyman, Space and Ocean. The handyman kit for example includes a magnetic tool board, wooden plank building kit and conversation cards. The kits can be borrowed for three weeks
Coming Soon:
- Friends Spring Book Sale, Friday, April 26 and Saturday, April 27
- How to Kill Your Lawn with Mark Richardson, Tuesday, April 30 at 7 p.m.
- Johnny Cash Stories and Songs with Matt York, Saturday, May 18 at 1 p.m.
- The Beatles:1964 with Steve Minichiello, Wednesday, May 22 at 7 p.m.