Mendon Senior Center Programs

Massachusetts Artists with Jim Buckley
On Tuesday, April 16 at 11 a.m., Jim will be introducing us to another Massachusetts artist—American Painter James MacNeill Whistler. Please stop by or call the Mendon Senior Center at 508-478-6175 to register for these free programs. Walk-ins are also welcomed.
The History of Baseball
Come test your baseball trivia on Thursday, April 18 at 11 a.m. when DAN DUNN offers us an interactive presentation about the evolution of “America’s game” including the early beginnings of the Boston Pilgrims. Please call the center to register for this free program sponsored by the Friends of Mendon Elders. Consider joining us for lunch following the program. Please sign up for lunch separately.
Beautification Meeting
Many thanks to our Beautification volunteers Mark Cleverdon, Ann and John Vandersluis, Tom Sawyer, Kathy Staniszewski, Eldon Swanson and John Palumbo for their green thumbs and their dedication to sprucing up the center’s exterior grounds last year along with the help of Marty Yenawine and his North Grafton Job Corp youth volunteers. Sadly, Grafton Job Corp. will not be able to assist us further and we need to say farewell to Kathy Staniszewiski on her upcoming departure from Mendon. Thank you, Kathy, for over ten years of service tending to our main perineal garden. It has been stunning.
If you enjoy puttering outdoors and have a few hours to spare this spring, why not consider joining our small, committed group of volunteers on Friday, April 19 at 9 a.m. for a brief meeting followed by light spring clean-up of the Mendon Senior Center property. At that time, we will formulate our modest goals for the year to further beautify the center’s grounds. The Friends of Mendon Elders have generously agreed to fund our efforts again this year, so all we need now is your green thumbs. Please call Amy at the center at 508-478-6175 to let us know of your interest.
Music Bingo & Pizza Luncheon
Join us for some fun and prizes on Tuesday, April 30 at 11 a.m. when the Friends of Mendon Elders will sponsor Music Bingo with Good Thomas. Join us for a pizza luncheon following bingo. The cost of lunch is $5. Please register for one or both programs at the center. Call 508-478-6175
Learn How to Take Better Pictures - Last call!
A few spaces remain to learn from returning professional photographer, Steve McGrath. This five-week photography class will begin Tuesday, April 30 at 1:30 p.m. Whether you want to perfect your Phone photography skills or are have a Digital camera of your own, our instructor Steve McGrathy, an accomplished, professional photographer with over thirty years experience, has something to offer. Learn how to create great images on your phone. Digital camera beginners, learn from an expert. Android and Apple Smart phones are welcome, and all models. Info about our instructor:
The cost for this grant subsidized program is $25 for five weeks. Please call 508-478-6175 or stop by the Mendon Senior Center to register. A few spaces remain.
New Program!
Diabetes & Nutrition
On Tuesday, May 7 at 10 a.m. the Mendon Senior will present a new monthly health program presented by the Salmon Family VNA concerning proper nutrition and good health. Topics for discussion will include: what is diabetes blood sugar management, diet related to diabetes, symptoms of high blood sugar and low blood sugar. Please call or stop by the senior center to register for this free program. This program will be followed by our monthly blood pressure clinic. Please sign up for the clinic separately.
Historical Women presented by Sheryl Faye
Wednesday May 1 p.m.
The talented Sheryl Faye returns to the Mendon Senior Center with a mesmerizing portrayal of Amelia Earhart on Wednesday, May 8. This program is generously funded by the Mendon Cultural Council a member of the Massachusetts Cultural Council. Please stop by or call the Senior Center to register for this free event. Reserve early, space is limited!
Mendon Minstrels Choral Program
Thursday, May 16 11 a.m.
Join us for an uplifting choral program Morning and Other Beginnings led by musical director/pianist Dave Clinkman, and accompanied by guitarist Art Forand and percussionist Brad Mosher. Please stop by or call the Senior Center to register for this free event. Lunch will follow the musical program. Reserve early, space is limited!
Elder Law Education Program
On Wednesday, May 30 at 1 p.m. the Mendon Senior Center will host the statewide legal program sponsored by the Massachusetts Bar Association. Attorney Kathleen Nealon from Hopkinton will touch on some important topics in this year’s 2024 resource guide (available for distribution) on a wide range of legal issues affecting the lives of seniors including how to protect your home and assets, power of attorney and health care proxies, reverse mortgages, Medicare / Medicaid changes and alternatives to nursing home care. For more information or to register for this free program call the Mendon Senior Center at 508-478-6175. Additionally, “Taking Control of Your Future: A Legal Checkup” guides provided by the Mass. Bar Association will be available to participants first. There is vast subject matter. Please let us know what topics you are most interested in.