Milford Town Library

By Reference Department
Summer Library Hours
The library will be closed on Saturdays during the summer. Saturday hours will return after Labor Day on Saturday, Sept. 7.
Library Strategic Plan: Public Forums and Community Survey
Every five years, the library develops a strategic plan outlining its objectives for the next years of service to the community. The completed plan goes to the Massachusetts Board of Library Commissioners (MBLC) for approval.
As part of the process, we ask for community input. A strategic planning survey will be available in both electronic and paper forms in English, Spanish, Portuguese and Haitian Creole. We invite everyone to complete this short survey and be entered into a drawing for one of two gift cards. The survey can be found at the library and also on our website, and our Facebook and Instagram pages.
Additionally, open public forums will be held on Wednesday, August 21 from 4 - 5:30 p.m. and 7 - 8:30 p.m. Refreshments will be served and all are invited to participate.
Adult Summer Reading Program
The 2024 Adult Summer Reading Program wraps up on Friday, August 16. So many adults have taken on the challenge of Adventure Bingo with the “Read, Renew, Repeat” theme while connecting with and enjoying all the wonderful resources that Milford has to offer!
Be sure to bring in your sheets once you’ve completed vertical, horizontal or diagonal rows to earn tickets for the Adventure Prize Drawing. Those who complete the entire Bingo card will be entered to win the Grand Prize. We've got FOUR amazing prizes to give away from several Milford businesses!
This program is generously sponsored by the Friends of the Milford Town Library and supported by our friends at CraftRoots Brewing, Depot Street Tavern, Milford Bicycle, Rail Trail Flatbread Company, and TJ Cafe & Games.
Atelier Artists New Work 2024: Exhibit
An exhibition of new artwork by the Atelier Artists continues through the end of August. This group of senior artists are part of an artists’ collective founded by Sal Ferreira in 2007 to support and inspire each other in their artistic pursuits. Last month, Sal passed away and the exhibit is dedicated to him. The Ferreira family graciously lent paintings by Sal and also by his wife Vas Ferreira to be part of the exhibit. Vas passed away in 2023.
This year’s artists have worked primarily in oil and acrylic with some watercolor and photography as well. The artwork can be viewed anytime the library is open. Many of the pieces are available for purchase. The exhibit program includes contact information for the artists. Stop in and see the impressive local talent before the exhibit closes at the end of August.
ESL Drop in Classes Summer Schedule
This summer, we’ll be offering both day and evening English classes for adults at the library. These classes are free and drop-in style, no registration is necessary. Classes are held in the ESL classroom on the lower level.
Daytime classes will be held on Mondays at 2 p.m. on the following dates: August 12, and August 19.
Evening classes will be held on Thursdays, 5:30 p.m. for intermediate students and 7 p.m. for beginners on the following dates: August 8 and August 15.
Neste verão, ofereceremos aulas de inglês diurnas e noturnas para adultos na biblioteca. Essas aulas são GRATUITAS e presenciais, sem necessidade de inscrição. As aulas são ministradas na sala de aula de ESL no nível inferior.
As aulas diurnas serão ministradas às segundas-feiras, às 14h, nas seguintes datas: 12 de agosto e 19 de agosto.
As aulas noturnas serão ministradas às quintas-feiras, às 17h30 para alunos intermediários e às 19h para iniciantes, nas seguintes datas: 8 de agosto e 15 de agosto.
Este verano, ofreceremos clases de inglés para adultos tanto diurnas como nocturnas en la biblioteca. Estas clases son GRATUITAS y sin cita previa, no es necesario registrarse. Las clases se llevan a cabo en el salón de ESL en el nivel inferior.
Las clases diurnas se impartirán los lunes a las 14 horas en las siguientes fechas: 12 de agosto y 19 de agosto.
Las clases nocturnas se llevarán a cabo los jueves a las 5:30 p.m. para estudiantes intermedios y 7:00 p.m. para principiantes en las siguientes fechas: 8 de agosto y 15 de agosto.
Center Book Group
The Center Book Group will meet on Tuesday, August 20 at 10 a.m. at the Milford Senior Center to discuss Horse by Geraldine Brooks.
Based on the true story of the record-breaking thoroughbred Lexington, this novel by the award-winning author Brooks, traverses three time periods and locations—Kentucky, 1850, New York City, 1954, and Washington, 2019. The epic novel grapples with art and science, love and obsession, and racism.
To reserve a copy or to learn more about the Center Book Group, please call the Information Desk at 508-473-2145, ext. 219 or email Anne at [email protected].
Virtual Program: How to Improve Your Recycling Efforts
A free virtual program on how to improve your recycling efforts will be available on Tuesday, August 13 at 2 p.m.
Julia Greene, Municipal Assistance Coordinator from the Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection, will discuss how to cut down on waste and how to recycle correctly. Julia will give practical advice on how you can improve your efforts to reduce, re-use and recycle in your day-to-day life. This program is offered in program offered in partnership with the Tewksbury Public Library.
Friends Bookstore & Book Table
Find great deals on books for the whole family by visiting the Friends of the Milford Town Library’s Bookstore and Book Table. Book Table items include paperbacks, DVDs and children’s books for 50 cents per item while the Bookstore offers new or near new hardcovers and quality paperbacks for $1 per item. Proceeds help fund the youth and adult summer reading programs as well as programs, lectures, concerts and other programs.
Harry Platcow: Photographs
During August, local photographer Harry Platcow will exhibit some of his photographs in the adult display case across from the Information Desk. A larger exhibit of his photographs will be showing at the library in January 2025.
Harry’s fine and compelling photography used to be a staple in the pages of the Milford Town Crier. We can’t wait to see them again!