The Milford Town Clerk’s Office Update:
The Annual Street Listing/Annual Town Census will be mailed to households in January 2023.
It’s important to return your Annual Street Listing every year even if there are no changes to the form. Years from now, you may need to prove that you or your children lived in Milford or resided in Massachusetts during a certain time period and the street list for that year is the proof of residency. You can return the Annual Street Listing to our office by using the enclosed envelope, faxing your form to 508-634-2324, or by email to [email protected].
What do I need to do with the form?
Please look over the names listed on the form. If there are no changes to the pre-printed information, simply sign and date the form and return it to the Town Clerk’s office. Add any new people who reside at your address and indicate with a “M” (Moved) or “D” (Deceased) if someone has moved or passed away. Students living away at school and residents who are in a nursing home or away in the military are still considered residents of Milford and can remain on the census. Check to see that the date of birth is correct for each person and correct it if it is not. Please list a contact phone number for the household and indicate if it is public or unlisted. Please add or correct the “Occupations” column listed on the form and list what grade if a child is in school. The “Voter” column tells you what each person’s voter registration status is. “U” stands for “Unenrolled” which means not enrolled in any particular political party. This is what most people mean when they say “Independent.” Other designations are: “D” for Democrat or “R” for Republican and if there is no letter in the “Voter” column means the person is not registered to vote in Milford.
To make any changes to your voter information on the street list, you would need to sign the bottom of the form in order for the change to be processed. No changes to voter information can be made without the voter’s signature. To register to vote you need to complete a Voter Registration Form. Please call the Town Clerk’s office if you need one, or you can download one from our website (
What happens if I don’t return the form?
Registered voters who do not return the Annual Street List Form and do not respond to a follow up mailing will be designated an “Inactivate” voter on the street/voter list. Such persons will only be eligible to vote after they fill out an “Affirmation of Current and Continuous Residence” the next time they come to vote. Every household that fails to complete the form has to be contacted a second time, which takes additional time, paper and postage.
Last year I indicated that someone moved out, so why are they are still on the form?
A registered voter who moves and does not register to vote in another community cannot be removed from our street list until they have not voted in two consecutive state elections (which may be why you may have told us someone moved but they still appear on your form). If you have a forwarding or new address for these individuals, please provide their new address to us so we can mail them paperwork to be removed or you can tell them to register in their new MA community. When they do, their name will be removed from our records.
Who should complete the street list/census form?
Any adult residing in the home can complete and sign the form.
Dog Licenses:
Dog licenses are issued at the Town Clerk’s office. Our licensing period runs from April 1–June 30 each year. If you return the insert portion in the Annual Street Listing to register your dog, we will hold the form until April 1 to do so. Please make sure to send a valid rabies certificate to our office by mail, or email it to [email protected]. If you have a new puppy/dog, please register the puppy/dog after it receives its rabies vaccination (you will need to provide our office a copy of the rabies certificate). Copies of spay/neutering certificates will also be required for all new puppies/dogs if applicable. Those pet owners who are renewing their dog licenses from the previous year will only need to present a spay/neutering certificate if the surgery for spay/neutering was done after you have registered your dog in 2021. We will also need a new/valid rabies certificate if it has expired. If you are unsure, you can always call our office to verify what documentation may be needed. If you no longer have a dog at your residence, you can call or email the office so that we can remove you from our dog list.
Town Election:
Nomination papers will be available Tuesday, January 3, 2023 for all elected offices, including Town Meeting Members. The following people are up for Re-Election in 2023:
Thomas J. O’Loughlin, Select Board, three-year term
Amy E. Hennessy Neves, Town Clerk, three-year term
Scott Crisafulli, Highway Surveyor, three-year term
Steven L. Borges, Board of Assessors, three-year term
Leonard A. Izzo Sr., Board of Health, three-year term
Edward Bertorelli, Library Trustee, three-year term
Ann Ragosta, Library Trustee, three-year term
Paul J. Braza, Park Commissioner, three-year term
Leonardo L. Morcone, Sewer Commissioner, three-year term
Charles E. Reneau, Tree Warden/Gypsy Moth Supt., three-year term
Jennifer Parson, School Committee, three-year term
Michael Aghajanian, School Committee, three-year term
Scott Crisafulli, Trustee Vernon Grove Cemetery, three-year term
Robert E. Rogers Jr., Trustee Vernon Grove Cemetery, three-year term
Other Offices on the 2023 ballot:
Planning Board seat, five-year term
Planning Board seat, three-year unexpired term
Water Commissioner, three-year term
Water Commissioner, two-year term
Water Commissioner, one-year term
Town Meeting Members Precincts 1–8 (top 30 vote getters will fill seats)
Please contact the Town Clerk’s Office if you are interested in obtaining nomination papers so we can get them prepared in advance.
Vote by mail will be available for this election, please complete an application for April 4, 2023 if you wish to vote by mail at