Downtown Revitalization still top of mind
Sep 08, 2023 07:22AM ● By Chuck Tashjian
By Scott Calzolaio
Ask anyone from the aisles at Gene’s Variety to the stools at the Marchegiano Club, true and native Milfordians will say the same thing – ‘Downtown ain’t what it used to be.’
Oldtimers tout the days where soda shops, family-owned pharmacies, and classy entertainment soaked the sidewalks on Main Street, and it might not be too long until we see it again.
With the Town of Hudson as the role model for so many Commonwealth towns, Milford officials hope to reinvent those days of heavy foot traffic to local businesses. But with the sign at the new Rail Trail Pizza location still declaring “Coming Soon,” many are wondering when their downtown could see some welcomed changes.
Though it may seem subtle at first, Town Administrator, Richard Villani, said in an interview, the town is on the cusp of seeing the fruits of their labor. With the hire of new Assistant Town Administrator and Economic Developer John Charbonneau, Villani said there is a lot to look forward to.
“One of [Charbonneau’s] main priorities is going to be to look at what we can do in the downtown area,” he said.
Town officials have been working to secure grant funding for parks improvement in the downtown area, renovations to historic downtown building facades, and incentives to downtown businesses.
In addition, Villani said Charbonneau will be looking at potential zoning changes, adding more apartment space, and parking logistics.
With the opening of the Rail Trail marking the beginning of the downtown transformation for many Milford citizens, the delays in their opening have caused some doubt as to whether downtown will ever return to its former glory.
“I’m not sure if it’ll be a sort of ‘anchor’ store so to speak, but it certainly will be a benefit,” Villani said.
Rest assured, Villani said, there are plans in motion already, though it may seem quiet for now.
“We’re hoping to attract new businesses, we’re not sure what kind yet, but we’re hoping the Rail Trail will start encouraging others,” he said.
He said, going forward, downtown business owners and landlords will have a more frequent and influential say in how to move forward. He said the focus town officials have on this project is very real, and citizens are sure to see results soon.
“I want people to understand that this is going to be a focus,” he said.