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Milford Public Schools Special Education Dept. Update

Sep 08, 2023 08:02AM ● By Chuck Tashjian

As part of Milford Public Schools’ outreach and continuous liaison with other schools, agencies, clinics, daycare/early intervention programs, community educational professions, group homes, and agencies serving homeless individuals, we are writing to inform you of the process for Special Education referral and evaluation of children and youth who may be suspected to have a disability and may be determined eligible for specialized instruction and/or related services as well as Section 504 Accommodations.

Special Education regulations require that principals or other educational administrators make specific efforts to meet students’ needs in the general education setting. Those efforts include the promotion of instructional practices and the provision of adequate instructional support for students and teachers (MGL, c. 71B, section 2). If any student has been unsuccessful in making progress within the general education curriculum despite documented instructional support and effort and is suspected of having a disability, any parent/guardian, caregiver, or professional may refer the student for special education or 504 evaluations.

To request a referral for a Milford student who may require an evaluation, please submit a letter in writing to the Special Education Team Chairperson of your child’s current grade.

Please provide the student’s name, date of birth, current grade and school, parents’ names, address and phone numbers. You should also include information about your student’s needs, current performance level, and their response to efforts with instructional intervention. The Special Education Team Chairperson will review the referral information, and contact the parent(s) directly. Written notice of the referral along with the evaluation consent form, if warranted, will be sent to the parent. Upon receipt of signed consent, your child’s school will contact you to assist us in gathering information for the student’s evaluation. If you are the parent of a child in private school, you have the right to have your child evaluated in your home district where you live.

Please contact the Milford Public Schools Special Education Department if you need further information about the referral process.


In accordance with the Individuals with Disabilities ACT (IDEA 2004) and Massachusetts special education regulations, 603 CMR 28.00, the Milford Public School District provides screenings and/or evaluations for all children residing in Milford between the ages 3-21, when parents, caretakers, and/or teachers suspect the presence of a disability.  The purpose of the evaluation is to determine eligibility for special education services.  This notice applies to children residing in Milford who attend either public or private schools. If you suspect your child may have an educational disability, please contact your child's Principal or Special Education Team Chairperson.

Milford High School

Principal Joshua Otlin 508-478-1110 Ext. 2123

Team Chair Kristin Payton 508-478-1110 Ext. 1401

Team Chair Jennifer Walsh (PreVocational) 508-478-1110 Ext. 1404

Stacy Middle School 

Principal Caridad Lopez 508-478-1180

Team Chair Rachel Hopperstad (Grade 7 & 8) 508-478-1180  Ext. 6505

Team Chair Valerie Marcotte (Grade 6) 508-478-1180  Ext. 6506

Woodland Elementary School

Principal Timothy Kearnan 508-478-1186

Team Chair Sara Costigan (Grade 3 & 4) 508-478-1186 Ext. 3022

Team Chair Valerie Marcotte (Grade 5) 508-478-1186 Ext. 3004

Brookside Elementary School

Principal Victoria Houston 508-478-1177

Team Chair Hannah Rogers 508-478-1177 Ext. 4040

Memorial Elementary School

Principal Lisa Burns 508-478-1689

Team Chair Nicole Czarnowski 508-478-1689 Ext. 7041

Shining Star Preschool

Director Corrie Masterson 508-478-1135 Ext. 0513

Team Chair Melani Gallant 508-478-1135 Ext. 0626