Mendon Senior Center Programs for March & April

Deeds, Homesteads, Trusts and Estates
On Wednesday, March 13, at 1 p.m. the Mendon Senior Center will host Worcester Registry of Deeds Registrar, Kathryn A. Toomey and Registrar of Probate Courts Registrar, Stephanie Fattman. Listen as the nuts and bolts on how the Registry of Deeds and Probate Court work together for the residents of Massachusetts. Join us in a dialogue about land ownership and how probate issues can legally affect what happens to your property. Introductory information and an overview will be provided about Deeds, Homesteads, Trusts and Estates. Save the date for this informative program. Please stop by or call the Mendon Senior Center at 508-478-6175 to register.
Tornado & Storm Chasers
Tuesday, March 19 at 11 a.m.
You will not want to miss this soon to be rare opportunity to meet Bill Kessler, recently retired Mendon Fire Chief, prior to his departure to chase storms this spring. Bill will share his passion for the chase with us on the first day of spring Tuesday, March 19 at 11 a.m. Come listen to his thrilling experiences. He has said, “I went on my first chase in 2005 as a bucket item check off. Little did I know I have so many buckets to check it off from! Since that first year, I just can’t let it go. It’s not just the thrill of the chase, the exploration of the Midwest is pretty cool too.” Register at the Mendon Senior Center. Space is limited.
Orchestra of One
Thursday, March 19, 11 a.m
We welcome back Susan McLeod and her Orchestra of One performance. You won’t want to miss her St. Patrick’s themed event sponsored by the Friends of Mendon Elders. She will have sing-along songs as well as her orchestral pieces. Why not consider joining us for a delicious meal following the free performance.
History and Culture with Jim Buckley
History and art enthusiast Jim Buckley continues to share stories from Mendon’s past with us. Join us on Tuesday, March 26 at 11 a.m. for this month’s intriguing topic “Mendon’s Bell is Silenced.” On April 16, also at 11 a.m., Jim will be introducing us to another Massachusetts artist—American Painter James MacNeill Whistler. Please stop by or call the Mendon Senior Center at 508-478-6175 to register for these free programs. Walk-ins are also welcomed.
Alzheimer’s and Dementia Education Programs
The Mendon Senior Center will be hosting the following two programs on Tuesday, April 9 from 10 - 11 a.m.: The 10 Warning Signs of Alzheimer’s and Healthy Living for Your Brain & Body. The first program will help you to recognize the commons signs of the disease in yourself and others and includes the next steps to take including how to talk to your doctor. The second focuses on lifestyle choices and how they impact the aging process. Learn about important research into diet and nutrition, exercise, cognitive activity, and social engagement. Call 508-478-6175 or stop by the Mendon Senior Center to register for these informative programs.
The History of Baseball
Come test your baseball trivia on Thursday, April 18 at 11 a.m. when DAN DUNN offers us an interactive presentation about the evolution of “America’s game” including the early beginnings of the Boston Pilgrims. Please call the center to register for this free program sponsored by the Friends of Mendon Elders. Consider joining us for lunch following the program. Please sign up for lunch separately.
Music Bingo & Pizza
Join us for some fun and prizes on Tuesday, April 30 at 11 a.m. when the Friends of Mendon Elders will sponsor Music Bingo with Good Thomas. Join us for a pizza luncheon following bingo. The cost of lunch is $5. Please register for one or both programs at the center. Call 508-478-6175
Learn How to Take Better Pictures
Join professional photographer, Steve McGrath, for a five-week photography class beginning Tuesday, April 30 at 1:30 p.m. Whether you want to perfect your Phone photography skills or are have a Digital camera of your own, our instructor Steve McGrathy, an accomplished, professional photographer with over thirty years experience, has something to offer. Learn how to create great images on your phone. Digital camera beginners, learn from an expert. Android and Apple Smart phones are welcome, and all models. Info about our instructor:
The cost for this grant subsidized program is $25 for five weeks. Please call 508-478-6175 or stop by the Mendon Senior Center to register, Space is limited.
Mendon Senior Center Spring Day Trip ~ Friday May 24 Register Now. Space is limited.
Duck Boats of Boston with lunch at Maggiano’s Little Italy and tour of Isabella Gardener Museum
Motor coach departs and returns to Mendon Senior Center - 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Cost: $145 per person (includes everything: round trip transportation, duck tour, family stylelunch, and admission to Isabella Gardner museum and gratuities)
Payment is due May 1. Checks should be made out to Friends of Mendon Elders (please add ‘trip account’ in memo line)
Call Trip Coordinator Beverly Fior, 508-473-8382 for more information.
Health Insurance Counseling
Certified SHINE health insurance counselors are available to assist individuals turning 65 or who are already on Medicare. The SHINE program (Serving the Health Insurance Needs of Everyone) offers free and unbiased services: counselors are available to discuss all options related to Medicare and additional coverage, and they do not sell any plans. To make an appointment; call the Mendon Senior Center at 508-478-6175 or call the Regional SHINE Office at 508-422-9931.
SHINE is funded through the federal agency, Administration for Community Living and administered through the Massachusetts Executive Office of Elder Affairs.
Circuit Breaker Credit—When filling out your 2023 State Income Tax Forms
The Taxation Aid Committee would like to remind Mendon’s seniors to see if you qualify for the Circuit Breaker credit when filling out your 2023 Massachusetts personal income tax returns. The form to do that is called “Schedule CB”.
Residents who receive this tax credit will be eligible for the new means-tested property tax exemption to lower your Fiscal Year 2025 property taxes. If you’ve already filed your 2023 state income tax return and find out now that you qualify for the Circuit Breaker credit, you can file an amended tax return to obtain the credit. More information about the Circuit Breaker tax credit can be found at