Jasada and Gumbo available

Jasada is an active male who comes running at the sound of a cat food can opening. Courtesy photo

Gumbo is quiet female looking for the purrfect forever home. Courtesy photo
This adorable adult pair have been with us for a year and we hope their perfect family comes for them soon! Jasada and Gumbo were surrendered separately but immediately decided to move in together. They have been roommates ever since.
Jasada is an active male Tabby Tux who enjoys interacting with other cats. Gumbo is a female black medium haired cat with stunning green eyes who prefers to hang back and nap while her friend wanders. Jasada and Gumbo have enjoyed making friends with all the cats who have come through the shelter this year. Jasada particularly enjoyed playing with the young cats and showing them the ropes!
Jasada and Gumbo can be slow to warm up to strangers so they don’t stand out to potential adopters. Though Jasada gets much friendlier when he hears a cat food can open! Both cats go straight to their feeding spot when dinner is coming. Once they get to know you, Jasada and Gumbo are open to receiving attention. We believe they would do well in a home if they are given plenty of time to decompress and acclimate to their new environment.
For more information on Jasada and Gumbo, or the other cats at The Milford Humane Society, please visit https://www.milfordhumane.org/