Milford to form High School Building Committee: Call for volunteers

Deadline to apply is June 17
On May 20, 2024 Milford Town Meeting approved the formation of a High School Building Committee (HSBC) dedicated to overseeing the feasibility study, preliminary planning, and construction or renovation of the Milford High School currently located at 31 West Fountain Street. This committee will play a crucial role in ensuring the project meets the town's educational needs and budgetary goals.
The Milford Selectboard and Milford School Committee are seeking five Milford residents to volunteer to serve on this committee. Three will be appointed by the Milford Selectboard and two will be appointed by the Milford School Committee. These community members must have experience in either project management, architecture, or engineering, and be willing to serve for the life of the project, anticipated to be seven to ten years.
By participating in the High School Building Committee, you will have an opportunity to help shape the future of education in Milford and make a lasting impact on our community. The Milford Selectboard and Milford School Committee are looking forward to your applications and to working collaboratively and in partnership on this exciting project.
Who Can Join? Milford residents that have experience in project management, architecture, engineering, and/or construction. There will be ten additional members as mandated by the Massachusetts School Building Authority (MSBA) and Town Meeting.
Role and Responsibilities of the High School Building Committee. The High School Building Committee will:
• Oversee the feasibility study and planning stages
• Provide technical guidance and fiscal oversight during planning, design, and construction of the project
• Collaborate with Milford Public Schools staff and consultants on project management
• Ensure that plans and designs meet the needs of the school district while staying within budget
• Monitor construction to ensure adherence to approved plans and budget
Application Process. Interested residents should submit a letter of interest with a resume or a detailed summary of relevant experience. In your letter of interest, please explain why you would like to join the committee, how you can support its work, and that you have the time available.
Deadline for letters of interest. Letters of interest must be received by Monday, June 17, 2024 and can be emailed or dropped off at Milford Town Hall or at the Milford Public Schools Central Office. Contact Information. For more information or any questions, please send an email to [email protected] and/or [email protected].
What is the time commitment? School Building Committee (SBC) members are asked to commit to the full length of the building project, as well as several years of follow-up work that will continue after the school opens to address project punch lists and closing out contracts. In total, this is a seven to ten year commitment. During this time, members will be expected to prepare for and be active participants in meetings that will occur one or two times per month. Committee meetings are held in the evening and run for approximately two hours.
Do I have to commit to the entire project period? While members may serve less than the entire seven to ten year period, applicants who express an intent and ability to serve for the entire project period will be given preference.
Who is on the committee? The committee will include representatives from various town boards and departments, as well as residents with expertise in project management, architecture, engineering, and construction. Specifically, the committee will consist of:
• Two (2) members of the School Committee
• A member of the Planning Board
• The Superintendent of Schools
• A member of the Select Board
• The Town Administrator
• A member of the Finance Committee
• The Milford High School Principal
• The Milford Public Schools Facility Director
• A Milford High School faculty member, selected by the Milford Teachers Association
• Five (5) residents of Milford with project management, architecture, engineering, and/or construction experience. Two (2) appointed by the School Committee and three (3) appointed by the Selectboard
The Senior member of the School Committee will call the first meeting to organize the committee's efforts. The committee will report its findings and progress at either a Special or Annual Town Meeting.
Why Form a High School Building Committee? The Milford Public Schools has embarked on a significant project that may include constructing a new building or renovating Milford High School. This project is part of the Massachusetts School Building Authority’s (MSBA) grant program, which has the potential to provide significant state funding for school construction projects. Forming this committee is a required step in the MSBA process to ensure proper oversight and management of the project.
What is the MSBA? Information about the Massachusetts School Building Authority can be found on their website located here: