Friends of Mendon Elders Scholarships Awarded

Congratulations to the following Friends of Mendon Elders scholarship recipients in 2024:
Yara Alomar, 2024 graduate of Blackstone Valley Technical School who plans to attend Worcester State University in the fall to study Nursing; and
Owen Thompson, 2024 graduate of Nipmuc Regional High School who plans to attend Hamilton College in Clinton, NY to studying neuroscience.
We congratulate them on their achievements and would like to thank them for their dedication to helping others. We would also like to thank all the student volunteers who assisted us in many ways this past school year at the Mendon Senior Center and Food Pantry.
The Friends of Mendon Elders, Inc. is a non-profit 501C-3 organization formed for the purpose of supporting Mendon senior citizens and providing financial support through fundraising efforts to the Mendon Senior Center for items not provided for by local or state funding.