Pet of the month: Meet Bo

Bo is a charming, laid-back cat who is looking for a place where he can settle in at his own pace and enjoy a balanced mix of attention and quiet time.
While he might not be the cuddliest cat at first, Bo absolutely enjoys the company of his humans, but only when he's ready. He prefers a calm environment and will appreciate a gentle approach as he adjusts to his new surroundings. Bo loves to watch the world go by from his favorite perch, but don’t be surprised if, after a while, he’ll come seeking your company for some quiet companionship or a good chin scratch.

Bo would thrive in a home where he can feel safe and secure, and where his space is respected as he gets comfortable. He would do best with a cat-savvy adopter who understands the importance of patience and allowing him to bloom at his own pace.
If you’re looking for a cat who’s content to hang out in the same room but doesn’t demand constant attention, Bo might just be your perfect match. He’s ready to find a loving home where he can gradually build a bond with you—on his terms.
Could Bo be the purrfect addition to your home?
For more information, please visit the Milford Humane Society at