Charles River Bank delivers a Merry Christmas for 40 children with The Salvation Army Angel Tree Program in Milford

(L-R) The Salvation Army Captain Kevin Polito, Charles River Bank President &CEO Derek Plourde, and Charles River Bank Marketing & Customer Engagement Coordinator Michael Comalli can be seen with the toys and clothing donated by bank customers and employees to The Salvation Army of Milford’s Angel Tree Program. Courtesy photo
Charles River Bank once again shared in the spirit of Christmas this year through their partnership with The Salvation Army of Milford’s Angel Tree Program. The bank adopted 40 children, and through the generosity of the bank’s employees and customers, all 40 children received many items on their wish lists including games, scooters, dolls, toys, educational gifts, sneakers, and coats. Marketing and Customer Engagement Coordinator, Michael Comalli, organized the yearly tradition for the bank by getting the children’s lists from The Salvation Army and making sure each child was adopted and received the items from their wish lists.
“This program is always so rewarding and fulfilling,” Charles River Bank President and CEO Derek Plourde stated. “Seeing the community come together to help local families and make sure children in our community have a happy holiday brings the true meaning of the season to life for us.”
The Angel Tree program aims to help local families who are experiencing financial challenges make Christmas a special time for their children. Parents submit a wish-list for their children detailing their age, gender, clothing sizes and some games and toys they would like to receive. Local businesses and community groups adopt a certain number of children then donors select a wish-list and purchase the items requested.
Submitted by Charles River Bank