Milford Town Library Calendar of Events

Milford Town Library News by Reference Department
AARP Tax Aide Program
The AARP Tax Aide program returns again this year to help senior and low-income individuals file their income tax returns for free. We'll begin making appointments after Jan. 13, 2025. Trained volunteer preparers will be able to complete returns for the tax years 2024, 2023, and 2022. Please note, however, that separate appointments are required for each tax year. To schedule an appointment, call the Information Desk at 508-473-2145 ext. 2.
Library Closed on MLK, Jr. Day
The Milford will be closed on Monday, Jan. 20, 2025 in observance of Martin Luther King, Jr. Day.
Milford Area Wordsmiths
Looking for a quiet, dedicated time and place where you can write? Join the Milford Area Wordsmiths writers' group! We provide a safe place for adults (18+) to write and even share your work if you desire. All levels are welcome, from first-time writers to published authors. All genres are welcome, too, from picture books to romantasy to nonfiction.
Established in November, the group meets the first and third Monday of each month (except holidays) from 7 to 8:30 p.m. Drop-ins are welcome. The Milford Area Wordsmiths will be facilitated by Carol Allen, a first-time writer of children's books, lifelong bookworm, and recently retired middle-school teacher. For more information, please call 508-473-2145, option 2.
Cat Supplies Drive
The library will be hosting a winter cat supplies drive to benefit the Milford Humane Society from Jan. 6 - Feb. 14, 2025. Donations of wet and dry food, kitty litter and toys may be dropped off in the collection bin at the library entrance. The library cannot accept bedding, blankets or towels.
Established in 1990, The Milford Humane Society is an all-volunteer, non-profit, no-kill shelter for stray and abandoned cats. While most cats are housed at the shelter, others are cared for in foster homes until space becomes available at the shelter. Admission to the shelter is not based solely on adoptability but on need. The motto of the Milford Humane Society is to share the gift of unconditional love with as many cats and kittens as possible. The society also welcomes other donations and has a wish list on Chewy. To learn more, visit
Dignity Matters Drive
We thank the community for a truly tremendous response to the menstrual products drive held in November to benefit, Dignity Matters. This Massachusetts based organization provides period supplies free of charge to homeless and disadvantaged women. More than 57 packages of pads and tampons were donated totaling over 1700 individual items.
English Classes
Free drop-in classes for adults who want to learn and improve their English begin on Tuesday, Jan. 14, 2025. Beginner classes are held on Tuesday and Thursday evenings from 7 - 8 p.m. An intermediate class is held on Thursdays from 5:30 - 6:30 p.m. Classes are held on the lower level of the library in the ESL Classroom. Registration is not required. For more information, please call the Information Desk at 508-473-2145 ext. 2.
Las clases gratuitas sin cita previa para adultos que quieran aprender y mejorar su inglés comienzan el martes 14 de enero de 2025. Las clases para principiantes se llevan a cabo los martes y jueves por la noche de 7 a 8 p.m. Una clase intermedia se lleva a cabo los jueves de 5:30 a 6:30 p.m. Las clases se llevan a cabo en el nivel inferior de la biblioteca en el aula de ESL. No es necesario registrarse. Para obtener más información, llame al mostrador de información al 508-473-2145 x 2.
As aulas presenciais gratuitas para adultos que desejam aprender e melhorar seu inglês começam na terça-feira, 14 de janeiro de 2025. As aulas para iniciantes são ministradas nas noites de terça e quinta, das 19h às 20h. Uma aula intermediária é ministrada às quintas-feiras, das 17h30 às 18h30. As aulas são ministradas no nível inferior da biblioteca, na sala de aula ESL. O registro não é necessário. Para obter mais informações, ligue para o balcão de informações em 508-473-2145 ext. 2.
Citizenship Preparation
Citizenship preparation will be offered on Monday evenings at 6:30 p.m. starting on Monday, Jan. 27, 2025 in the ESL Classroom and continue through Monday, Feb. 24, 2025. Since individuals may be at various stages in their citizenship path, all interested participants should come to the class to consult with the instructor to be screened. Using materials from the United States Citizenship and Immigration Service (USCIS), this preparation course will review the N-400 citizenship application, English and civics test and discuss the naturalization interview. To learn more, call the Information Desk at 508-473-2145 ext. 2.
Center Book Group
The Center Book Group will be on winter hiatus during January and February 2025 and return on Tuesday, March 18, 2025 at 10 a.m. at the Milford Senior Center. The book selections for 2025 will be announced on the library website.
Virtual Program: How Birds Created the World with Randi Minetor
Join author Randi Minetor for a free virtual program, How Birds Created the World and Other Stories on Monday, Jan. 13 at 7 p.m.
Birding expert Minetor will speak about her new book The Complete Language of Birds and draw on extensive research covering the science, mythology, folklore of our avian friends. A prolific author of more than 90 books including Backyard Birding and Butterfly Gardening, Minetor will make you see birds in new ways.
To register and get the Zoom registration link, visit the library’s events calendar,
Virtual Program: Encounters with Killers
Join Dr. Katherine Ramsland, a true crime author and forensic psychologist on Monday, Jan. 27 at 7 p.m.
Dr. Ramsland recounts her most memorable interactions with serial killers over the course of her life, describing how it shaped her career in forensic psychology. A Pied Piper, two Coed Killers, a Candy Man’s handyman, and BTK, among others, have left their marks on her research and writing, both fiction and nonfiction.
To register and get the Zoom registration link, visit the library’s events calendar,