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Pet of the Month: Giorgio Armani

When this well-dressed man arrived at the Milford Humane Society with his stunning green eyes, his perfect tuxedo markings and his aristocratic airs, it was obvious he was Giorgio Armani.   

Giorgio Armani had a difficult time adjusting to life at our humble shelter. He cannot tolerate mixing with his subordinates. While Giorgio has mellowed over the years, he still has very exacting standards and he likes his things just so. Much like the most demanding boss you have ever worked for, he has been known to lash out when his standards aren’t met. He may have you walking on eggshells until you learn his ways. Soon you will understand that the demands he places on you are for the good of the company, or home, and he will reward your loyalty with love. 

Once he trusts you, Giorgio will be delighted to welcome you into his office. He will rub against your legs purring and he will follow you around checking your work as you go. 

Currently, Giorgio is looking for a very special assistant, we mean adopter. Requirements for the position:

•   Previous experience working for an exacting boss or with difficult pets.

•   No small children or other pets 

•   A quiet home with a space Giorgio can call his own

•   Patient and thick-skinned

This position may require a second and third interview. 

To meet Giorgio Armani, please visit the Milford Humane Society at

The Milford Town Library is holding a Cat Supplies Drive to benefit the Milford Humane Society. Wet or dry cat food, kitty litter, and toys can be dropped off in the collection bin in the library lobby though Feb. 14. For more information, call 508-473-2145 (ext.2) or visit