BVT 2024 Annual Report now available

Document highlights facts, figures, student achievements, and more…
UPTON – Blackstone Valley Tech is proud to announce that copies of its 2024 annual report, Generation to Generation, are now available for residents of the Blackstone Valley Vocational Regional School District to view. The report spans the FY24 fiscal year and highlights the distinctive achievements of students and staff, as well as financial information.
"As responsible stewards of your regional vocational-technical school system, we oversee and protect your investment with numerous cost-saving measures," said Superintendent-Director Dr. Michael F. Fitzpatrick. "The informational document goes beyond the facts and figures of our day-to-day operation to illustrate how the budget is maximized and used to prepare our students to be career- and life-ready by the time they graduate."
Browse the Annual Report!
The annual report includes a profile of Tom Kuik, a 1982 graduate of the Electrical program at BVT. Learn how he discovered his true passion by looking to his past, following a childhood curiosity, and paying attention to what he finds engaging. As BVT graduates share their craft and passion for their trade, they pass on the foundation for future career success, and ultimately their legacy, from generation to generation. This and so much more is in the annual report. It is available on the school's website at